
Who Do They Have Their Hanes On Now?

Nice tag line.

I'm pretty sure the last time I wore Hanes undergarments, I was in the third grade and it wasn't my decision. However, that doesn't mean there aren't women out there who still buy their panties in a "pack." (Sexy.) Apparently Hanes believes strongly that these pack panty (and manty-- hawked by the illustrious star of "Snow Dogs") wearers also have an affinity for former C-list has-beens who haven't had a successful project in at least five years. Jennifer Love Hewitt-- last seen in some show about ghosts that no one watches, and now Sarah Chalke, from that show Scrubs that wasn't ever good and if it was it was 3 years ago. Sarah Chalke who shall forever be "new Becky," (and in my eyes the lesser Becky. We love you, Lecy Goranson!)
Who will they get their Hanes on next? I vote Sarah from Charles in Charge.

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