
Can Oldham Save Old Navy?

Oldham: Creepy, but talented.

Old Navy's bid to be trendier and younger over the past year or so has not been working out at the cash register. (Notice how the commercials lately have not been families and kids playing outside in colorful clothes as they once were, but instead feature model chicks traipsing about the city.) Maybe because young hip women don't like boxy tops and bad jeans? As a result, their president has left her post after just 16 months, and they're on the lookout for a new one.
Todd Oldham signed on in September as creative director of the brand, but according to Old Navy we have yet to see his influence. Come June we should see the first signs of it, and he will be full force by fall. The possibility of Oldham designing a line of home goods for the store is not off the table, either.

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