
Target vs. Wal-Mart : Cheapo Fashion War

Wal-Mart is positioning itself to one-up Target this year in the big-box retailer fashion department. In the next few months the store will carry juniors brands l.e.i. and Ocean Pacific, and they recently signed a long-term deal with "mom clothes" designer Norma Kamali.
Some see them really surpassing the old bullseye now that the latter has lost their biggest design star Isaac Mizrahi to Liz Claiborne.
Still, Target just hooked up with Converse One-Star to offer clothes, shoes and accessories that are quite cute. And the designers they're pulling for their Go: International collections still weigh more in bold-face than all of Wal-Mart's (oh-so-90's) prospects put together.
And really- you can get away with saying "I got this at Target." But the name Wal-Mart will never not be associated with sweatpants and gun sales.

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