
Atlanta Pants Pirates

Not that I'd typically advise anyone to purchase items out of the back of a van or from the inside of some guys trenchcoat, but this just a special warning for anyone looking to make shady purchases in/from Atlanta...

Apparently 50 stores have been robbed this year by area gangs who are looking for...not sneakers...not jewelry...but True Religion (of super-cute butt-pockets fame) and Rock and Republic jeans. Windows have been broken, clerks maced and punched, and at least a million worth of $200 denim has been lifted. The thieves are reselling the jeans for around $70.

I love a bargain, but in the name of pseudo-civilized behavior, hit BlueFly!
Other places to pick up designer denim on sale:

1 comment:

Michael Marotta said...

Allston Village sectret: You can get expensive designer jeans from the back of Reef Cafe for like $30.